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I don't see live tv

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  • I don't see live tv

    Installed a new hard drive in my Toshiba SD-H400. Did the clear everything routine and got to guided setup. Got all the way to the test of "do you see live tv in the background?". I only have a black screen in the back. I checkeda ll my connections.cables and they all seem to be OK. After a while the system reboots back to the gray powering up screen and starts at square one guided setup again. Any ideas?

  • #2
    This doesn't sound like a drive problem. What was your unit doing before the drive change?


    • #3
      I don't see live tv

      The unit was starting to freeze intermittently watching live TV. After I unplugged and replugged, it would work for a while and then freeze again. That's when I replaced the drive.

      I just now tried placing my cable from the wall directly into the RF In on the back of the unit (bypassing my Motorola digital cable box). Lo and behold I COULD see live tv in the background. As the guided setup reached the "loading program information" stage, I was expecting to get to the "the DMS will now try to change channels" phase. But after it prepared, connected, and was in the downloading program info stage, the unit suddenly went back to the gray welcome powering up screen. I just unplugged it at that stage as I have learned that it would simply go back to the guided setup process. What could be causing it to reboot????Thanks for your help!


      • #4
        It sure sounds like you have a problem that is not drive-related, I'm sorry to say.

